Most of this recipe is from a magazine...I tweaked it a little, but it's mainly from Parenting magazine. Thanks Aunt Kelly for the subscription.
Preheat oven to 425.
Spray baking sheet with no stick cooking spray.
Collect ingredients:
1 pork tenderloin
1/4 cup apricot preserves
apx 1/2 tbs honey (one 3 second squeeze)
apx 1/2 tbs mustard
apx 1/2 tbs minced garlic
1 tsp rosemary
Remove pork tenderloin from pakage and pat dry with a papertowl. Mix ingredients in small bowl from the apricot preserves down. Coat pork tenderloin in glaze. Insert meat thermometer into thickest part of the tenderloin. Place in oven and cook tenderloin until internal temperature reaches 170. Remove from oven and let set on counter for about 5 minutes before cutting. When ready to serve, cut on the diaganol in about 1 inch slices. Serve with apple slaw.
Apple Slaw:
1 large apple peeled and shredded using a cheese grater. Then wrap in paper towel or cheese cloth and squeeze out the extra liquid (apple juice)
1/2 small jicama peeled and shreeded
apx 1 cup preshredded prewashed bagged carrots (but still wash them)
2 tsp rice vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
Mix all ingredients together, then sprinkle with crushed walnuts or pecans
I also serve the above with either rice pilaf or mashed potatoes and a steamed vegetable.
Yum Yum
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hey! Birth Story
So, I had a blog on, but I guess this website is better, so here we go...
First, let me tell you my birth story. Katie, was born Jan 17th 2009, which was a Saturday. That Wednesday I started having really bad cramps. They got to the point where they were lasting for at least a minute and coming every five minutes. The lady that taught our delivery class said that's when to go in, so even though the cramps weren't just horrible, we went in. I thought that maybe I was going to have an easy childbirth experience. :)-
So, we went in and they said I was still only dilated to 2 cm... They did find that I had high blood pressure, so they told me to go on bedrest and come back in when the cramps got unbearable. To the point where I can't even talk. So, we went home and per the doctor's orders I stayed off my feet that whole day. The next day we had to pick up our dogs from my in law's house, so I agreed to go with Ryan to pick them up. It was Fri night and by the time we got home I was having really painful cramps. During them I couldn't even talk, I was trying to take baths, but nothing was helping. But I didn't want to go back into the hospital until I truly knew it was labor. We tried to go to sleep at 11, but every few minutes, up to every 20 minutes I would wake up with cramps. I woke up at three to go to the bathroom and thought my water had broken. Unsure, I went back to sleep and at five I woke up again and was SURE this time my water broke. I woke Ryan up and made him get ready so we could go to the hospital. When we were in labor triage they tested to make sure the liquid was amniotic fluid, and while they were testing it my water gushed. It was also tinted yellow...uh-oh... Yellow usually indicates maconium is present in the amniotic fluid. (Maconium is the baby's first bowl movement, if it's present in the amniotic fluid, chances are she swallowed some, ewwww...) They took me to labor and delivery. By this time I was having a contraction for about a minute, then throwing up bile, then having about a minute to rest then doing it all again. I was not feeling well.
I had a slight fever, and her heartbeat was being sporadic, so they gave me oxygen. So, when I was about 6cm I asked for an epidural. Mr epidural man is now my hero!!! After that point I told my guests (my parents and Ryan's mom) they could come into our delivery room. My mom asked at one point if I was having a contraction, I told her to look at the monitor, since I couldn't feel them anymore. It was great. I progressed to 10 cm pretty quickly, especially considering I was on the epidural. It got to the point where I had to push. So, the doctor came in and I pushed, and pushed and pushed, but she was stuck. The doctor cut to make the opening larger to see if she could pass easier, but it didn't really seem to help. At that point my epidural started wearing off, and I starting getting queasy and gagging again. When I started gagging, they said that movement was helping her move. So I kept gagging until she was out. Gross, I know, but it worked. When she came out she had a slight fever and her first apgar was only a 5. And since she probably swallowed the maconium, the delivering pediatrician wanted her to have a round of antibiotics. Her second apgar was a 7, then they did an extra one for good measure, and it was a 10. They let me breast feed her and gave her a bath before they took her to the nicu. We also had my parents and Ryan's mom hold her before they took her off. They took her to the nicu and gave her the iv to administer the antibiotic.
Her veins were not cooperating for the iv. They tried her arm, legs, hand, feet, finally they got it in her head. They also took some blood to do a culture. After she came out of the nicu, about an hour, it was very evident she was not sick. She was reacting to stimulation and had good color and was definately a healthy little girl. After 48 hours her blood culture came back negative, so it was confirmed that she did not get sick, and we were able to go home. She has been a healthy and very good girl ever since.
Birthday: 1-17-2009 at 12:59pm
Weight: 6pounds 10oz
Weight: 6pounds 10oz
length: 20 1/2 inches long
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