She's been able to...
push her head up to a 45 degree angle, and most recently a 90 degree angle when doing tummy time
hold her head steady when we hold her upright
bring both her hands together. She's so cute when she does it.
bear weight on her legs when we hold her upright. She's actually been "climbing" up us when we lay her on our tummies and she tries to when we hold her sitting upright, too.
turn her head in the direction of a voice...
...and most recently
a few weeks ago was the first time, then last night she did this to...she'll be sound asleep and giggle while she's dreaming. She hasn't laughed out loud yet while awake, though.
then last night, she was sleeping in her bassinet. Per the doctor's orders we always put her to sleep on her back. Last night she woke me up and I realized she was on her tummy. She rolled over from her back to her tummy all by herself! Then she got mad, cuz she was on her tummy. She started grunting, and that's what woke me up. As soon as I realized she was on her tummy, I grabbed her quickly cuz she was mad and it was time to eat. Then I realized she rolled over! Such a strong baby! We'll have to see if she can roll from her tummy to her back today during tummy time. She's getting close.
Daddy has also been exersizing with her in other ways. He'll sit with her on the couch and bring her upright so she's sitting up. He'll hold her up by her hands, but she does most of the work by herself. And one of us reads to her and plays with her everyday.
Also, every so often I'll take a bath and take her in the tub with me. I splash water on her, she enjoys when I put her legs in the water. Yesterday, I took her in the tub with me and I had her laying on my tummy. She was pushing her head up and every so often she would fart. Then I had her partially submerged in the water and she farted and made bubbles in the water. hehe...the look on her face was so cute...
You don't have one of those sleeper wedges that you put inbetween so they stay on their back ? I may have one around.. I should check.. I did that so the kids were always safe on their backs.. Also laying on their stomach and lifting up their head is excellent exercises for them. its helps strengthen their head and back muscles :) Can't wait to see her again soon